Cybersecurity Learning Resources

A resource guide created for individuals interested in the field of cybersecurity - from Youtube videos to hackathons, we are here to guide you in the bits and bytes of your learning journey!

Online Courses/Projects

TryHackMeA free online platform for learning cybersecurity through hands-on excercises and activities. It contains multiple learning pathways to choose from based on one’s knowledge and experiance, including “Pre-Security”, “Web Fundamentals”, “Cyber Defense” and many more.Beginner to Intermediate
SimpliLearnLearn cyber security basics with this Introduction to Cyber Security course, designed for beginners to familiarize themselves with the current cybersecurity landscape and provide the knowledge of relevant tools to assess and manage security protocols in information processing systems. Learners can also perform business impact analysis and disaster recovery testing through this program.Beginner

Youtube Videos/Podcasts

Name/Link Description Level
Ethical Hacking Course Full network penetration testing/ethical hacking tutorial course for beginners. Beginner
Darknet Diaries An investigative podcast about hackers, breaches, cybercrimes, botnets, cryptography and true stories from the dark side of the internet. Beginner to Intermediate

Hackathons (Updated Monthly)

Name/Link Description Level Date
MapHacks Embark on an adventure of hacking and learning through the theme of geographical-related techonology filled with live streams, workshops, fun events and networking opputunities as you build you projects! Beginner Dec 17-19
HackFit A weekend-long hackathon with the theme of fitness-related technology. There are also online workshops and panels to help you build your projects. Beginner Nov 12-14


Name/Link Description Level
Blockchain, AI & Cybersecurity Weekly newsletter by Alessandro Civati on LinkedIn. Beginner
The Unsupervised Learning Community Weekly newsletter informing audiences about secuity, technology and the future. Beginner to Intermediate